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Finding your writing voice - Writing process

by TDW'sB Director 2023. 3. 10.

Discovering Your Unique Writing Style

Uncover your authentic writing voice by embracing your individuality, experimenting with different techniques, and trusting your intuition. By developing a personal style, you can captivate your readers and create meaningful connections through your words.



Writing is a powerful tool that can be used to express your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. But to make your writing stand out, you need to find your own unique voice. Your writing voice is the way you write that is unique to you, and it reflects your personality, style, and individuality. It is what makes your writing distinct and memorable. In this article, we will explore the importance of finding your writing voice and provide tips on how to do so.


Why Finding Your Writing Voice Is Important

Your writing voice is what sets you apart from other writers. It is what makes your writing unique and memorable. If you can find your voice, you will be able to write in a way that resonates with your readers and creates a connection with them. Your writing will become more engaging, interesting, and compelling. Additionally, finding your writing voice can help you to develop your writing skills. When you know your voice, you will be able to write more confidently, with greater clarity and precision. You will also be more motivated to write, and your writing will become more enjoyable and fulfilling.


How to Find Your Writing Voice

1. Write from the Heart

The first step in finding your writing voice is to write from the heart. Write about what you are passionate about, what inspires you, what you believe in. When you write from the heart, your writing will be authentic, honest, and full of emotion. This will help you to connect with your readers and make your writing more impactful.


2. Read Widely

Reading widely is one of the best ways to develop your writing voice. When you read a lot, you expose yourself to different styles, voices, and perspectives. This can help you to identify what you like and don't like, and what resonates with you. You can then use this knowledge to develop your own unique voice.


3. Experiment with Different Styles

Experimenting with different writing styles can also help you to find your voice. Try writing in different genres, such as poetry, fiction, or non-fiction. Try writing in different formats, such as short stories, essays, or blog posts. This will help you to discover what you enjoy writing and what you are good at.


4. Write Regularly

Writing regularly is essential if you want to find your writing voice. Make it a habit to write every day, even if it's just for a few minutes. This will help you to develop your writing skills and discover your voice.


5. Embrace Your Personality

Your writing voice is an extension of your personality. Embrace your unique quirks, flaws, and strengths. Don't be afraid to inject your personality into your writing. This will help you to stand out and create a connection with your readers.


6. Get Feedback

Getting feedback from others can also help you to find your writing voice. Join a writing group or workshop, or share your work with friends and family. Listen to their feedback and use it to improve your writing. This can help you to refine your voice and make your writing even better.



Finding your writing voice is an important part of becoming a successful writer. It can help you to stand out, connect with your readers, and develop your writing skills. By writing from the heart, reading widely, experimenting with different styles, writing regularly, embracing your personality, and getting feedback, you can find your voice and become a more effective communicator. Remember to be patient and persistent, and never stop exploring and refining your voice.